Cathay Cineplexes Christmas around the corner submit entry by 1 Jan to win 6 month's worth of popcorn
Cathay Cineplexes Christmas around the corner submit entry by 1 Jan to win 6 month's worth of popcorn
Cathay Cineplexes Christmas around the corner submit entry by 1 jan to win 6 month's worth of popcorn
6 months popcorn equivalent to purchase of medium popcorn per week for 26 weeks.
Good news for popcorn lover.
Steps to participate at Cathay Cineplex Facebook fanpage:
1. upload a photo at least 1 Violent Night or Pussinboost: The Last Wish ticket stub from Cathay Cineplex
2. Share why you choose Naughty or Nice
3. Catch both movie to double your chance