Crystal Jade Hong Kong Kitchen and La Mian Xiao Long Bao outlets free kids menu for 6 years old and below
Crystal Jade Hong Kong Kitchen and La Mian Xiao Long Bao outlets free kids menu for 6 years old and below

Crystal Jade Hong Kong Kitchen and La Mian Xiao Long Bao outlets free kids menu for 6 years old and below.
Kids menu sell at $10.90 for kids above 6 years old
La Mian Xiao Long Bao outlet
Lamian with scallion oil or fried rice with egg
minced pork & vegetable wanton 2pcs
Poached brocoli
Soya milk
Hong Kong Kitchen
Mian Mian Set
Fried hong kong noodles with superior soya sauce
Wanton soup 2pcs
Roselle osmanthus jelly
Minute Maid orange or Tropical
Fan Fan set
Shrimp fried rice
steamed organic tofu with superior soya sauce
Roselle osmanthus jelly
Minite Maid Orange or Tropical
More kids menu term and condition from Crystal Jade check here
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