(Till 14 Sep 2022) Pepper Lunch Teppan Satay series Rendang fiesta student deals
(Till 14 Sep 2022) Pepper Lunch Teppan Satay series chicken steak australian beef limited edition

Pepper Lunch Teppan Satay series chicken steak australian beef limited edition.
Promotion period till 14 Sep 2022. Good news for Pepper Lunch fans.
Satay Chicken Steak - $14.90
Satay Aust Beef - $17.90
Satay Diced Cut Steak (Aust. Beef) & Chicken Combo - $16.90
Available at all Pepper Lunch Restaurants from 21 July 2022, while stocks last.
For Dine-in only. Not valid in conjunction with other promotions, offers & discounts, while stocks last.
Rendang Chicken rice with egg - $8.20
Rendang Beef pepper rice with egg - $8.50
Available at Pepper Lunch Express while stock last.
Pepper Lunch Student squad deals
Mon- Fri opening to 5pm
Group of 6 get 6 milo upgrade + 3 mashed potato
Group of 4 get 4 Milo upgrade + 2 mashed potato
Available at Pepper Lunch Restaurant, e-coupon and studnet card must be present before ordering. Check coupon at link below. Valid till 9 Sep 2022 while stock last
More Pepper Lunch promotion check here
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