Wan To Play at i12 Katong free 1 hour trial kid playground complete steps below to qualify
Wan To Play at i12 Katong free 1 hour trial kid playground complete steps below to qualify

Wan To Play at i12 Katong free 1 hour trial kid playground complete steps below to qualify
Steps to redeem free trial:
1. Follow Wan To Play Facebook or Instagram page
2. Share the post at link below.
3. tag one friend
4. Screenshot and send to Wan to Play, by messager or private message.
How to book a slot?
1. At Facebook page, click "Book Now"
2. Click "free 1-hour trial play"
3. Select date & time.
Time slot for free trial : Mon to Thurs 10am to 8pm, Fri 10am to 3pm
If have more than one kid, please use two or more accounts to share with friends.
Vebue: i12 Katong 112 E Coast Road #04-03/04 Singapore 428802
Terms and conditions apply.
Check here for more kid playground trial details